Ice and Snow – Remove it Before You Go!
Did you know, in the State of New Jersey, you could face penalties if you fail to remove ice and snow from a vehicle? In this cold, upcoming winter season, this could pose many issues. Drivers may be urged to drive to work in bad conditions; in some cases they may take initiative to leave early so they make it in time, forgetting the important step of forgetting to clear their vehicle. What could this mean for them?
New Jersey Law
It is vital to remember especially the hood, windows, and roof of a car that may be covered in ice and snow. In New Jersey, if you fail to take this important step as a motorist, you may face fines of $25 to $75 for each offence, even if the snow and ice gets dislodged from the vehicle. Flying ice or snow can also cause property damage or injury to others, which could cost a motorist up to $200-$1,000 for each offense. These penalties are stated under New Jersey Code 39:4-77.1 that covers “Snow, ice dislodged from moving vehicle causing injury, property damage penalties.”
Laws in the News
Ice and snow removal specific to New Jersey and some other states is an upcoming talked-about thing that is gaining popularity. This is because an accident involving snow and ice flying off of a car is seen as a “slow-motion nightmare.” A day or two after a snowstorm you may find yourself on the highway with cars on both sides of you. If a sheet of ice dives off the back of a truck onto your car, there are a lot of concerns that come with it. Will you survive the accident? Will you sustain injuries that require time away from work, lost wages, and time away from your family? These types of accidents pose a very real threat to all who share the roadways.
In Connecticut, news about this very potential danger took hold and now there are considerations being made for those who drive commercial trucks. A question was asked concerning how ice and snow could be removed from the top of an 18-wheeler most easily. Trucks aren’t designed for people to walk around on their tops, so trucking companies are releasing ice-clearing devices that look like football goal posts to push the ice directly off of the truck. A trucker named Richard Rowe even created a multi-use snow tool known as A Better Snow Rake for trailers, and sold 200 of them after hearing about New Jersey’s snow removal law, which was enacted in 2010.
Always Remember These Winter Driving Tips!
- You should always remember to drive slowly and adjust your speed for changing road conditions in bad winter weather.
- When it comes to winter weather, you should travel at least eight to ten seconds behind the car in front of you, which is a drastic increase in following distance.
- Always give snowplows plenty of room to do their winter work!
- If you skid on ice, do not brake or accelerate. Instead, remove your foot from the gas and gently steer your car in the direction of the skid. When you start heading in the right direction, straighten your wheel.
- Exit ramps may have icy patches, so always slow down before exiting the highway.
- Keep a personal safety kid in your vehicle with ice scrapers, jumper cables, blankets, sand, a flashlight, extra windshield wiper fluid, food like protein bars, and paper towels.
If you have been injured in an accident involving a driver who failed to remove ice or snow from a vehicle, you may have a case. These accidents can become particularly dangerous and end in a personal injury lawsuit. You can contact your attorneys in New Jersey and New York: Maggiano, DiGirolamo, & Lizzi. You will be able to schedule a free consultation for a case assessment.