homeowner liability

Homeowner Liability

If you are a homeowner, you may be concerned about the safety of those on your property. Perhaps you host a lot of neighborhood parties or you own a pool and there are children living next door who you want to keep protected.

This is why it is a good idea to understand premises liability laws to make sure you are protected if an accident occurs. If you understand premises liability laws, you understand whether or not you can be held liable for somebody’s injuries when they are on your property.

Here are some different parties that you may find on your property:

  • Licensee:This is somebody who enters your property because you have allowed them there. An example of this is somebody who is seen as a social guest, like a visiting family member. They are really just somebody who enters the property after being given permission. In terms of licensees, did you know that there were conditions on your property that could have caused injuries? This means that, if you invite somebody onto your property and they hurt themselves on a loose step, you could be held liable for their injuries because you should have known about the danger.
  • Business Invitee:This is somebody who is invited onto your property to do business on your property. Examples include those who work on your house, the cable guy, or a plumber. If you want a business invitee to be on your property, you must actively inspect for potential property hazards. This means, if you find hazards on the property where a business invitee could injure themselves, you must make reasonable repairs.
  • Trespasser:This is somebody who enters your property without permission. You do not owe a trespasser a legal obligation on the condition of your property, so it will be extremely difficult for a trespasser to have a premises liability case. However, if you know a trespasser is on your property, then you may owe them a duty of care because you have not made them leave.

Liability Insurance for Homeowners

Many people obtain personal liability coverage when they own a home. This special policy pays damages to people injured by you or your property. Usually the insurance is a standard $100,000 and will work when you are found responsible for someone else’s bodily injury or property damage.

The insurance will also usually cover family members who live with you. It will protect against accidents like dog bites, slip and falls, and damage done by a child’s baseball traveling through a window.

What is a Homeowner and What is a Possessor?

Homeowners and possessors might sound like the same thing, but they are not. One example of this is if you do not have possession of the land but you are a homeowner, you may be able to avoid a premises liability suit. Let’s say that you are a tenant, also – you could be liable for injuries that occur in your unit even if you do not own the home you live in.

Has somebody become injured on your property and you believe there may be a suit because of it? You may need an attorney on your side, protecting your rights every step of the way.

Contact Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi today for more information on what you should expect and what you can do!