What Information Should Be Exchanged in the Event of a Car Collision in New York?
Exchanging insurance information after a car accident is not only encouraged—it is required by law. But why is it such an important step? And what other information should you exchange with the people involved?
In the unavoidable event of a crash, a Bronx car accident attorney can be a great asset. Contact the experienced lawyers at Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi today by calling (212) 543-1600. Schedule a FREE consultation to evaluate your claim and make sure you get the compensation you deserve.
We want to clarify one thing before we continue: If you’re injured, seek medical attention immediately. For severe injuries, call 911 or go to the emergency room. For less severe injuries, visit urgent care. Even if you don’t feel injured, schedule an appointment with your general practitioner as soon as possible to check for any issues that may not be immediately apparent.
What Information Should You Exchange in a Car Accident?
Car crashes are confusing and stressful. In the hubbub, essential steps can be forgotten. That’s why you must have a solid grasp of what needs to be done before the accident occurs.
Exchanging insurance information and other details after your crash will be vital later for filing insurance claims and determining liability. Additionally, New York State law requires that you give this information whether you are involved in an accident with only property damage or if personal injury is involved.
It’s important to exchange the following information with the other driver(s) after an accident:
Full Name & Contact Information
You need to know who the other driver(s) are and how to contact them, and vice versa. Share full names and complete addresses and, if possible, phone numbers and email addresses. If there are passengers involved, get their contact information as well.
Verify the names and addresses given to you by the other driver(s). Check the driver’s license and vehicle registration just in case. You wouldn’t want to find out later that someone gave misleading information.
Insurance Information
Exchanging insurance information is the most important step you’ll take after a car collision. Every registered vehicle in New York must have liability insurance coverage. If the other driver tells you they don’t have insurance, get all their other information and contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible.
The parties involved in the crash must exchange the following:
- Name of insured
- Name of insurance company
- Policy number
- Effective dates
- Insurance company contact information
Vehicle Registration Details
Proof that the vehicles involved are properly registered will be necessary to your claim. Exchanging vehicle registration details confirms ownership of the vehicle and accurate identification for both insurance and legal purposes. While a photo of the registration is ideal, if you are writing down this information, take down the vehicle’s VIN number as well.
Driver’s License Number
A driver’s license further verifies the identity of those involved and confirms their legal authorization to drive. It can also give access to the license holder’s driving record, which might be valuable should you pursue a personal injury claim later.
License Plate Number
Obtaining the vehicle license plate number helps identify the vehicle(s) involved in the accident and allows authorities to trace it back to its owner. This can be particularly useful should there be any disputes or if the driver isn’t the car’s owner.
Year, Make, Model & Color of Vehicle(s)
You will typically find the vehicle’s year, make, model, and color on the insurance card. If the other driver doesn’t have insurance or can’t find their insurance card, jot down the information you can see from looking at the car or ask them to clarify the details.
Names & Contact Information of Witnesses
Exchange names and contact information with any witnesses to the accident, including passengers in any of the vehicles involved. If you can, jot down their observations of the accident. Their perspectives could be valuable in any disputes or questions of liability.
Note: Though most of us have cell phones to aid us in taking down information after an accident, we must never rely on something that could have been lost or broken in the crash. Always carry a pen and paper with you in the car should you need it.
Why Is Exchanging Insurance Information So Important?
Exchanging insurance information is intrinsic to filing your claim and receiving compensation for your injuries or damages. It also helps you to protect your legal rights.
Should you be seriously injured, you may require compensation beyond the limits of your no-fault insurance. In that case, you will need to pursue compensation through the at-fault driver’s insurance and/or a personal injury lawsuit. It is best to consult a knowledgeable car crash attorney to ensure you receive the justice you deserve.
What Should I Do If I Can’t Get the Other Driver’s Information?
It can be frustrating and unnerving if the other driver refuses to exchange their insurance information or flees the scene altogether. Should this be the case, we advise you to take the following steps:
- Stay calm and avoid confrontation.
- Document as much information as possible (e.g., license plate number, make, model, color).
- Take photos/video of the accident scene.
- Look for witnesses and exchange contact information.
- Report the accident to the police immediately.
- Contact your insurance company as soon as possible and request guidance on how to proceed.
It isn’t ideal when the other driver refuses to cooperate or takes off. However, your safety is of the utmost importance. First, keep yourself safe. Then, gather what information you can. The insurance company and your lawyer will do everything they can to work with the details you provide.
What Happens If You Leave the Scene of an Accident in New York?
According to NYS VAT § 600, fleeing the scene of an accident—whether there is an injury or simply property damage—is a serious offense. You are required to stay, exchange information, and assist anyone injured.
Leaving the scene of a fender bender could result in a traffic infraction and/or a suspension or revocation of your license. However, leaving the scene of an accident involving an injury or death could result in misdemeanor or felony criminal charges, depending on the circumstances.
From an insurance perspective, leaving the scene of an accident could result in a denial of coverage. The insurance company could refuse to pay for the damages you’ve suffered, which would, at minimum, complicate the claims process.
Not to mention, staying at the scene, exchanging insurance information, and helping anyone who is injured are simply the right things to do. Should the other driver flee the scene, call the police and contact a lawyer to protect your rights.
What Not To Do After a Car Collision in New York
The most important thing not to do after a car accident is admit fault in any way. Apologizing or accepting any of the blame for the crash could end up being used against you later. What you think or feel in the moment is not fact. Yet, insurance companies can use those statements against you—true or not.
We often recommend that you let your lawyer handle interactions with the insurance company outside of the initial reporting of the accident. This way, we can ensure you are represented accurately and seek appropriate compensation.
Other things not to do after an accident include:
- Do not leave the scene before exchanging insurance information and/or speaking with law enforcement.
- Do not fail to document the scene, if possible.
- Do not refuse medical attention if you are injured.
- Do not post about the accident on social media.
Contact a skilled New York car accident lawyer if you need more guidance through this process. They can handle the complexities of your case, making sure your rights are upheld and you pursue just compensation.
Contact a New York Car Crash Attorney Today!
Exchanging insurance information after an accident is important for several reasons, not least of all the outcome of your claim. If you’ve gathered all the necessary details from the driver(s) involved, an experienced attorney can help you with your insurance claim. If you are unable to exchange information, seeking legal advice quickly is in your best interest.
The esteemed car accident attorneys at Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi are ready to help. Our team has vast experience and has secured millions in verdicts and settlements for our clients.
Contact us today to schedule a FREE consultation. We proudly serve clients in New York and New Jersey.