Examples of Successful Third-Party Lawsuits
Successful Third-Party Lawsuits
Accident: Laborer died after falling 25 feet from scaffolding that blew over in wind.
Unsafe Condition: Scaffolding erectors failed to properly secure the scaffolding to the structure.
Accident: Machine operator’s hand traumatically amputated in cardboard folding/printing machine.
Unsafe Condition: Machine manufacturer failed to have appropriate size point of operation guard for in-running nip point.
Accident: Aerial boom lift tipped over killing two workers in personnel basket.
Unsafe Condition: Dead-man foot pedal in personnel basket over-ridden by prior renter of lift.
Accident: Worker falls through hole on roof of building during construction.
Unsafe Condition: HVAC contractor failed to cover opening in floor decking with appropriate material, and place barrier guard around hole.
Accident: Worker falls from top of machine while performing routine maintenance.
Unsafe Condition: Failure to provide safe access and guarded work platform.
Accident: Wife of pipefitter exposed to asbestos from laundering husband’s work clothes.
Unsafe Condition: Husband’s employer failed to warn of dangers involved with husband’s use and exposure of asbestos, and dangers of transfer exposure to wife.
Accident: Electrician fatally injured when aerial bucket collapsed.
Unsafe Condition: Directional cables in boom wore away hydraulic hose insulation causing rupture.
Accident: Commercial laundry machine traumatically amputates arm.
Unsafe Condition: Manufacturer of machine failed to provide interlocked point of operation door.