Statement Issued on Federal Judge James L. Robart and Public Statements
Many people believe that recent statements by President Donald Trump pose a direct threat to judicial independence, in light of recent events. Recently, the American College of Trial Lawyers issued a very important statement opposing Trump’s statements regarding Federal Judge James L. Robart. This statement is extremely vital because it is unbiased, as the American College of Trial Lawyers is not only non-political, but is also made up of Republicans and Democrats as well as many types of lawyers who have been selected without regard to their political views.
Bartholomew J. Dalton, President of the American College of Trial Lawyers, made the statement on behalf of the College and 5,900 of its Fellows. He stated, “The President used inappropriate and insulting language because he did not agree with Judge Robart’s ruling. The President stated, ‘The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned.’ Judge Robart is not a ‘so-called judge’ but a federal judge who was appointed by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the Senate. It is wrong for the Chief Executive of the Executive Branch to demean a member of the judiciary with such language. This undermines judicial independence which is the backbone to our constitutional democracy.” Dalton believes that, while the President has the authority and right to disagree with a decision, personal attacks where uncalled for and should not be ignored at this time.
We agree with the American College during this time and offer full support.