Scaffold and Ladder Accidents in the Workplace
Scaffolds and ladders in the workplace can be dangerous, posing many hazards for workers when they fall. This is why it is important to understand preventative measures as well as be properly equipped for the job at hand. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) oversees these workplace hazards and works to prevent the many accidents stemming from them. Now you can find out about falls from scaffolds and ladders, what to do in the event of a claim, and more.
Did you know that 65% of all construction employees work frequently on scaffolds? This means that falls are likely to happen, even if many are preventable. In some cases, a scaffold may be defective from the start, which means that you will be able to bring a claim against a manufacturer. In other cases, an employer may be at fault for improperly installing the scaffold or failing to give an employee proper equipment to use on the job. An employer actually holds a specific duty to comply with OSHA Regulations in relation to design and construction as well as inspection.
Design and Construction: If the scaffold does not meet specific OSHA requirements, then it is not safe for worker use. A scaffold must be capable of supporting its own weight and four times the maximum intended load without failure. Suspension ropes must be able to support more.
Inspection: Somebody who can inspect scaffolds should be instilled for the job by an employer. This is to check for all visible defects before each work shift. All components of personal fall equipment should be inspected daily as well, and should be removed from the workplace if it is damaged or worn.
Because scaffolds are so inherently dangerous and many serious accidents have occurred, “Scaffold Law” was put into place in New York. However, many other states have laws concerning scaffolds as well. These laws impose liability on contractors and owners who do not provide safety equipment to protect employees from falls. They could face severe penalties if they do not comply with these regulations.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many employees fail to see that it is actually quite easy to fall off a ladder and this occurs often in the workplace. Among workers, approximately 20% of fall injuries will include a ladder. OSHA as well as many other organizations have promoted a national campaign in the past to prevent workplace falls, known as National Stand-Down. This raises awareness among employers and workers about the hazards involved with serious falls. Employers should always talk to workers about how to be safe on a ladder as well as what can be done to prevent falls.
Some of the most important issues involved with scaffold and ladder falls may concern who you can bring a claim against in the first place. You may deal with many complex issues concerning which party is liable and whether or not engineering issues were at play. This is why, if you have been injured in one of these serious accidents, you should speak to an attorney today. At Maggiano, DiGirolamo & Lizzi, we care about your case. Call us now.